40 Amazing Facts About Olympic Games

40 Amazing Facts About Olympic Games
40 Amazing Facts About Olympic Games
The Olympic Games have been divided into several parts: Paralympic for Summer Olympic, Winter Olympic, Youth Olympic and Handicapped Today we will talk about the Summer & Winter Olympic.
So today we are going to share the 40 amazing facts about the Olympic games with you.

1. India has won 28 medals in the Olympic Games. (9 gold, 12 bronze, 7 silver). There is also a fact that in India neither the Olympic Games have been played till date nor until 2050.

2. The history of the Olympic Games is seen in the Olympics in Greece from 776 B.C., 2794 years ago. These games continued till about 12 centuries, after which Emperor Theodosius closed at 393 A.D. These games were dedicated to the Olympian gods.

3. Playing the Olympic Games, adding a game to the Olympics and picking out, selecting a place for sports etc. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) was founded in 1894. But the Olympic Games were started two years later.

4. The modern Summer Olympic Games began on April 6, 1896, in Athens city of Greece and the start of the modern Winter Olympic Games on January 25, 1924, in the city of Chamonix, France. Initially, the Olympic Games were held every four years but after 1994 it started in every 2 years.

5. A torch is lit in the Olympic Games, it has passed through Russia almost 70 times.

6. In 1591, William Shakespeare was the first person to use the word "Olympian". He used this in his book Henry VI: "Promise them like rewards / As victors wear at the Olympian games."

7. Horses participating in the Olympics travel in business class. They have their own passports.

8. The player who won the first medal in the modern Olympic Games is named James B. Connolly (United States). These medals won them three jump games. (The first final event of the 1896 Olympics).

9. Prior Olympics only men had participated in the Olympics. Women were first included in the 1900 Olympics. There were 22 women who participated in just 5 games: tennis, sailing, crochet, horse riding, and golf. But now about 44% of women participate in the Olympics.

10. Last time cricket was included in the Olympics in the 1900s. In which other countries than Britain and France did not participate. Britain took gold, France made silver

Interesting facts about the Olympic Games 11 - 20
11. India has first participated in the 1900 Olympics play. In which India had won 2 silver medals in athletics

12. In 1924, the tennis was fired from the Olympics. Replaced in 1988.

13. Olympic medals are prepared every time by the organizing committee of the host city. Every medal should be at least 3 millimeters thick and 60 mm wide.

14. In the 1900 Paris Olympics, people coming to the 1st position were painted instead of a gold medal.

15. The Olympic Gold Medal which was completely made of gold was the last time it was given in 1912. The weight of this medal was 24 grams and the price was $ 14.58. But today, the gold medal of the Olympics is 1.2% (6gm) of 99.9% purity and 98.8% (49gm) silver of 92.5% purity.

16. The 5 rings printed on the Olympic flag show the five major continents Africa, America, Asia, Europe, Oceana. Rings are from left to right, blue, yellow, black, green and red. These five colors were chosen because at least one of these five colors is on the flag of every country. This flag was created by Pierre de Coubertin in 1914 but was the first wavy in the Olympic Games in 1920.

17. The Olympic is MOTTO: Citius, Altius, Fortius ("Swifter, Higher, Stronger"). It was announced in Paris in 1924.

18. The theist inauguration ceremony was organized during the 1908 Olympic Games. During this ceremony, the team of athletes are always at the forefront of the Greek team and then according to the language of the country, the rest of the team in the alphabetical order and finally the country team hosting.

19. Due to WW1 and WW2, the Olympic Games of 1916, 1940 and 1944 could not be held.

20. It has also happened that due to an incident the Olympic has been replaced. The 1908 Olympic Games were to be held in Rome but Mt. Vesuvius Due to the eruption of the volcano, they were shifted to London.

21. Greece, Australia, France, Switzerland, and Britain are the only countries that have participated in every Olympics. America could also join this list but she did not send her athlete in the 1980 Olympics.

22. Norway, Austria, and Liechtenstein are the only three countries to win more medals than summer Olympics in winter Olympics.

23. Summer Olympics games have won the medals by the US, 2522 medals and the highest medal in winter Olympic games have won 329 medals.

24. Africa and Antarctica are the only two continents that have not played the Olympic Games till date.

25. The highest number of 202 countries in history have participated in the 2004 Athens Olympics.

26. There are only four players who have won medals in both the Summer & Winter Olympics: Eddie Eagan (USA), Jacob Tullin Thams (Norway), Christa Luding-Rothenburger (Germany), and Clara Hughes (Canada).

27. London is the only city that has hosted the Olympics 3 times.

28. The record for winning the most medal in the Olympics is Michael Phelps of America, who has won 28 gold (23 gold, 3 silver, 2 bronze) medals so far.

29. The record for winning the Olympic medal at the youngest is the Greek name Dimitrios Loundras. It won the bronze medal in the 1896 Olympics, at that time its age was only 10 years and 218 days.

30. The record for winning the Olympic medal at the age of most is the name of Oscar Swahn of Sweden, who won the silver medal in shooting at the age of 72 in the 1920 Olympics.

31. For the first time, an Olympian was banned when in 1968 a man in Mexico drank 2 beer to calm his nerves before pistol shooting.

32. The longest race in the history of the Olympics is a bicycle race of 199 miles, which won the 'Okay Lewis' of South Africa in Stockholm in 1912, in 10 hours, 42 minutes and 39 seconds. It was 4000 times the time it was for Usain Ballet to win a gold medal in the 100m race in the 2012 Olympics.

33. The longest wrestling match in the history of the game was between Martin Martin of Russia and Alfred of Finland in the 1912 Olympics. In the 11-hour match, this match was won by Martin, but he was so tired that he could not play the final match.

34. Coca-Cola company is the oldest sponsor of the Olympic Games. It has been continuously sponsoring since 1928.

35. Nearly all the players who win the medal in the Olympics cut the medal with a tooth while photographing.

36. 1936 Berlin, Olympics The first was the Olympics which was broadcast on TV. Earlier, the people had to listen to commentary on the radio and read the newspapers before that.

37. Olympic Anthem, designed by Spyridon Samar. And its lyrics have been taken from the poem of Greek poet Kostis Palamas.

38. Milkha Singh was the first Indian athlete who went to the finals of the Olympic Athletics. (In 1960, Rome Olympic).

39. To make the volleyball ground in 2012 Olympics, 5000-ton and was moved from Surrey to London.

40. The 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics was so much spent, which was more than the previous 13 Olympics.

So friends this was the 40 amazing facts about Olympic games thanks for reading.

15 Facts About Cristiano Ronaldo

15 Facts About Cristiano Ronaldo
15 Facts About Cristiano Ronaldo
This Portuguese player has achieved such achievements at an early age, who have included him as one of the world's legendary footballers. A gardener's child grew up in a small town, had some talent that he became the heartbeat of millions of hearts. On the one hand, millions of fans of the game are crazy, while on the other hand, millions of young women are stuck on it. Cristiano Ronaldo, who grew up playing under the roof of the tin, now lives in a bungalow and travels in crores of carts. But few people are confronted by the conflicts behind this process.

1. Ronaldo's name was named after former US President Ronald Reagan. Ronaldo's full name is Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Avilo.

2. Cristiano's father José Dinis Aveiro was the official gardener. By taking care of parks and plains, they used to keep the stomach of the house.

3. Ronaldo's father died due to excessive alcohol drinking at the age of 52, so Ronaldo does not take alcohol.

4. After the husband's death, Ronaldo's mother had a family stomach working as a cook and a cleaner in her home.

5. Ronaldo played his first match at Portugal for the Sporting Lisbon Club at 17 years of age. The match was played between Sporting and United, and in this match, Alex Ferguson saw Ronaldo and immediately took it to United. The club paid $ 17 million to acquire this miraculous child.

6. Ronaldo raised his weight by adding to his weight because he was running faster than the low weight, which was not good for his game.

7. Ronaldo's number 7 jersey is always lucky Although this number was not his first choice. After joining Manchester United in 2002-03, he had asked for a number 28 jersey, but when he was offered a number 7 jersey, he got worried, as the number of club-nominated players Johnny Berry, George Best, Steve Couple, Brian Robson, Eric Cantona, and David Beckham. Later, the number 7 also became known as Ronaldo.

8. Ronaldo is the most expensive player, you should know that Ronaldo had a 9-year-old child's cancer treatment and always donates blood.

9. Calling Ronaldo his fellow players and fans called 'Cry Baby', but this nickname was given by his mother, Dolores Aveiro because in childhood he was angry and would have been crying when the teammates did not pass by him during the match.

10. Ronaldo's free kick speed is 130 kilometers per hour, which means 31 meters per second, which is four times more than the Apollo 11 rocket.

11. Ronaldo's body is slimmer than a film model.

12. Ronaldo weighs 23 thousand kg while practicing, which is equal to the 16 Toyo car.

13. When Ronaldo imposes a jump, he imposes five times more powerful than the cheetah while putting the jump.

14. At the age of 14, Ronaldo was fired from the school. He had thrown his chair on his teacher.

15. When Cristiano Ronaldo was 15, he had heart surgery. And the doctor had said that his football career was in danger. But emerging from this, Ronaldo now became a great footballer and beat this difficult.

So that's all about the 15 facts about cristiano ronaldo thank you for reading.

20 Interesting Facts About The Aeroplane

20 Interesting Facts About The Aeroplane
20 Interesting Facts About The Aeroplane
Someone says, in 1895, Shivakar Bapuji Talpade did. Some say, in 1903 the Wright brothers did. Credit is given to Wright Brothers But there is also the talk of Dham Talpid. We are talking about the invention of the airplane (aircraft). Now believe me on what? Talking about the facts, Talpade had done the job of flying the plane about eight years before the Wright Brothers. But in history, his quest was lost and got credited to Wright Brothers. Today we are going to tell you a lot of interesting things about airplanes. I hope you like it So Let's begin ...

1. Every day, almost 2 million ships fly all over the world. So far only 5% of the population has been able to board the plane.

2. In this world of technology, the ship is capable of blowing itself (Autopilot) without the pilot. But in view of the safety of the passengers, it is necessary to be a pilot in the control room.

3. All the people, including pilots who work in the airplane, are required to be English. Because this flight is internatinal language.

4. The captain and the first officer who used to fly airplanes do not eat a kind of food, so that if one's health worsens, then the other can handle the plane.

5. In the ship, you can stay alive for only 15 minutes with the support of oxygen masks given during the Emergency.

6. Many foods are not liked by airplanes because of the taste of our tongue changes after we get to a higher degree. Therefore, salt is also added to the food found in the airplane.

7. It is strictly forbidden to carry mercury in airplanes because the vessel is made of aluminum and the mercury destroys the aluminum.

8. People leave the gas at the time of air travel, hence the charcoal filters are used to reduce the stigma in the ships.

9. When Neil Armstrong first walked on the moon, he had a piece of the airplane before the Right Brothers.

10. The death of an American will be in the airplane crash, this is one of the 1.1 million people in the chaos but 1 in the 5000 people who died in the car accident.

11. 80% of the airplanes till date have occurred within 3 minutes of the crash or within the last 8 minutes of landing. The biggest airplane crash was taking place in 1977, in which about 500 people died.

12. The matter is of 1986, a ship named 'Voyager' made the whole world revolve, and also without having to re-use the fuel.

13. 1 out of every 5 people are afraid to fly, they are called "Aviophobia".

14. Prior to 1953, the windows of the ship were covered with chains, but in case of an accident, the responsible windows were considered. After that, the ship started moving round the windows as the circular edges did not resist excess air and did not cause unnecessary pressure on the ship.

15. Things have happened since 1987 when a person in the US made an airline's lifetime pass by giving 69 lakh rupees to an air line. By 2008 the man took more than 10,000 flights. This caused a loss of Rs. 1 billion 42 crores to the company. In 2008, the company had to cancel the pass by the company.

16. There is a thing called a black box in the ship, its job is to provide information about the ship's accident. No matter how big a crash happens, the plane of the plane flies, but there is a lot of chaos that you will find such a black box. Actually, this black box is made of a special type of steel. Why do not we make the entire ship only this steel? Look, friends, if the whole ship is made of steel then the weight of the ship will be very high and the ship will not be able to fly.

17. You must have seen that most of the aeroplains are white, that is why due to the white color, the malfunction of the plane such as kecas (Tareed), oil seep etc. are easily seen. Also white color reflects heat, so the plane is still cool at 30,000 feet.

18. Airplanes are designed in such a way that there is no impact of sky electricity on them. At least 1 time in the year or every 1,000 hours in flight one time the sky lightning collides with the ship. After 1963, there was no plane accident due to sky power. These are all amazing engineering.

19. air pipe tires fill 200 psi pressure which is 6 times higher than the car's tire. Even if the airplane landed at 273KM per hour, then these tires would catch him. Many times you might have heard that the plane tires change after each landing. But it is not that, plane tires are changed after about 200-250 landing. This is not a fix but it depends on the plane. To change the airplane tires, jack is also used as a car.

20. While landing at night, the plane of the plane is dimmed so that your eyes can be re-shaped and if you get an accident, then you may be able to look at it in the dark during the emergency. For your information, let me tell you that if we are in front of the lights and become dark with a breath, then we can not see anything. Gradually our eyes are worth seeing.

So this were the 20 interesting facts about the aeroplane thank you for reading.

15 Facts About Clouds

15 Facts About Clouds
15 Facts About Clouds 
Clouds, that is, the four stars in the sky, in the beauty of the sky. Many times even a strange figure appears in the clouds. Today I will tell you all about the cloud, how the clouds are formed, the type of cloud, the cloud bursting, the walking, flying all information and interesting facts. Just stay with us ...

What is a cloud, how are clouds formed, cloud types?

1. It may take a few minutes to a few hours to become a cloud. These can be long and wide any size.

2. Clouds are mainly of 3 types: Cumulus cloud (up to 3300 ft.), Stratus cloud (up to 6000 ft.) And Cirrus cloud (up to 16500 ft.).

3. Mist is also a kind of cloud and it is very close to the ground and walking in the fog is like walking in the clouds.

4. The cloud is composed of small water droplets and ice crystals. The water in the cloud comes from the seas, rivers, ponds, and lakes via evaporation. The water rises above the sun's rays, the air is cool in the sky above it becomes a small drop of water. This water drop sticks to the small particles of the dust present in the air and makes such a cloud by placing billions of droplets like this. When these drops are weighing heavily, then it starts falling from the sky.

5. It is not that there is no weight in the clouds, the weight of a cloud is approximately 5 lakh kg i.e. equivalent to a plane or 100 elephants. It can be 1-1.5 kilometers long.

6. The clouds reflect the sunlight so white is visible.

7. The cloud can run from the speed of 146 feet per second i.e. a cloud will take 9 hours to reach Mumbai from Delhi.

8. The atmosphere on which there is atmosphere is a cloud but not water. The sulfur oxide on Venus and you will be surprised to know that Saturn and Jupiter are the clouds of ammonia on the planet.

9. The flight is delayed or canceled due to 'Cumulonimbus' clouds. It is capable of bringing lightning, storms and sometimes even tornadoes mean it is very powerful.

10. The constellation clouds (Noctilucent Clouds) are at an altitude of 75 to 85 km. It is so high that even the sunlight reflects on the night.

11. The clouds are considered lucky in Iran. While blessing someone here, 'Your sky is always filled with clouds' is called.

12. The location of the most clouded areas in the world is the South Africa Prince of Antarctic Indian Ocean. Here are only 800 hours of sunlight out of 8760 hours of the year.

Cloud Burst

13. In the place where it rains more than 100mm or more than 4 inches, it is called a cloudburst. Due to cloudburst, the maximum flood occurred in Ganga delta on January 8, 1966. Part of it is in India and some of Bangladesh. There was rain 2329mm here. On July 1, 2016, a cloudburst in Uttarakhand received 1372mm rainfall. When the hot air causes the droplets to rise above the bottom and when it becomes very large then the clouds are more likely to burst. Most of the clouds burst because of the height of 14,000 feet from the ground and due to collision with the mountains.

Why is cloud gray?

14. When the clouds with billions of water drops become very thick then the sunlight does not shine in it and these gray appearances. As clouds become gray, we should understand that it is going to rain.

Why do not the clouds fall down due to gravitational force?

15. Clouds are very small, that is, 1-micron size made up of drops. Because the blob is so light, it does not respond to gravity correctly and this also applies to the entire cloud.

So that's all about the 15 facts about clouds friends I hope you like reading the post.

15 Interesting Facts About The Samsung

15 Interesting Facts About The Samsung
15 Interesting Facts About The Samsung

If talk of a modern attractive smartphone series, then the Samsung company is at the highest level. With the help of its duos and Galaxy range, Samsung is the world's largest smartphone maker. So today we are going to tell you the 15 interesting facts about Samsung.

  1. In the year 1938, the owner of the Samsung company Lee Baung Chal Lee started with a staff of 40 people in South Korea. At that time the most important job of this company was to export dry fish.
  2. Samsung company initially started the company with a staff of 40 employees. But currently, around 3,75,000 people work in this company. The second and Apple only have 80,300 employees.
  3. The word "Samsung" comes from the Korean language. This word in English means 3 stars.
  4. Samsung Company has made its name in 80 different types of business since 1938.
  5. Samsung Company started making electronics items in the year 1960. The special thing is that the Samsung company owns 90 percent of its own product.
  6. The Samsung company launched the first mobile device in the market in 1986. It was a car phone and the market badly flopped.
  7. Since 1993, Samsung is one of the world's largest memory chip or RAM makers. According to the news, Samsung company has created a chip for Apple iPhone 7.
  8. Burj Khalifa based in Dubai is the world's tallest building. The work of this tower is also handled by the Samsung Construction Division. The work of Burj Khalifa is handled by many companies, most of which are owned by the Samsung company.
  9. The third 3D Home Theater was first launched by the Samsung company in 2010.
  10. In the year 2010, Samsung Electronics has launched the first major platform based smartphone.
  11. Samsung Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge are now launched. Both of these phones have been launched at an event in Barcelona Spain.
  12. The Samsung company's progress was from 1995. In 1995, the company's chairman 'Lee Kun Hei' had destroyed 150,000 phones and fax machines in front of its employees in front of its employees. There were 2000 employees of Samsung at that time.
  13. The Samsung company first launched CDMA (in 1996) and Digital TV (in 1998) and Wat phones (in 1999) and MP3 phones (in 1999).
  14. Samsung overtakes the popular brands Sony Electronics over 2004-2005 and covered the whole world.
  15. Currently, Samsung phones are the third number of phones sold in the world.
So this was the 15 interesting facts about Samsung I hope you like reading our article thanks for reading.

Top 15 Interesting Facts About Microsoft

Top 15 Interesting Facts About Microsoft
Top 15 Interesting Facts About Microsoft 
Hello, friends, we all know that Microsoft is one of the biggest renowned tech company in the world so today we are going to provide you top 15 interesting facts about Microsoft company.

And from the next line, the facts begin.

1. Bill Gates and Paul Allen designed the company's people within a day.

2. Microsoft company name was first named Micro-Soft, but later changed and it was introduced from New Mexico.

3. Microsoft Company has more than 48,000 patents.

4. The Microsoft company has made one the richest man in the world, two billionaires and billionaires to 12,000 people.

5. The most preferred food pizza in Microsoft Campus is.

6. Microsoft Campus is full of small rabbits.

7. Microsoft did the 7 phone window in 2010, window phone 8 and 2015 in the window phone 10 in 2015.

8. On June 29, 1987, Microsoft purchased the first company that made a presentation program. Later, its presentation program was changed to Microsoft PowerPoint.

9. In 2014, Indian-origin Satya Nadella took over the role of Microsoft CEO

10. Microsoft operates a total of 16 different types of business, which is more than $ 1 billion business.

11 "Start by the Brian Emo", the sound of 6 seconds that comes when Computer starts.

12. Microsoft gives drinks to the company employees free of charge.

13. By the way, Microsoft has millions of its software but its first hardware product Microsoft Mouse was launched in the market in 1983.

14. Microsoft has purchased 150 companies so far. Which includes Skype (2011), Nokia (2013) and LinkedIn (2016).

15. Bill Gates handed over the position of his CEO to Steve Ballmer, a friend of his college on January 13, 2000.

16. In 2011, the Great Place to Work Institute placed Microsoft at number 1 for the best office.

17. In 1997, Apple Company was still bankrupt when Microsoft made an investment of $ 150 million in Apple.

18. Microsoft Company employees are called "Softie".

19. In 1987, Bill Gates got the title of the youngest billionaire at the age of 31. After that, he became one of the world's richest man in the year 1995.

20. Microsoft released Windows 3.0 in 1990, followed by Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows 2000.

So that's all about top 15 interesting facts about Microsoft friends I hope you like reading and thanks for coming on our blog.